Are "Just Stop Oil" Protests the Green Solution?

Recently a certain string of protests has been getting a lot of media coverage. You would have to be living under a rock not to have heard the shouts to "Just Stop Oil". As a conservation scientist it is hard not to watch the protests and grimace just a little, but at Earth Nerd we are about a positive spin and the spread of useful information. So instead of complaining we had to stop and ask ourselves, is this really the future of conservation awareness campaigns? Let's take a closer look at this controversial protest approach and how effective it really is.


What is ‘Just Stop Oil’? 

'Just Stop Oil' is a movement group advocating for the reduction of oil production and consumption, hoping to address oils contribution to climate change. Sounds like a worthy ambition, right? Now we are clear what the groups goals are, we can discuss why their approach might be doing more harm than good.

The method

Let's start with the protest method. Protests can certainly be a useful tool in educating the public and creating change, but there are few key steps you have to get right first:

A clear goal

Great! 'Just Stop Oil' has definitely defined their goal. The clue is in the name! So, let's check this one off the list.

Public education

Uh oh, looks like we may have stumbled on a weakness in 'Just Stop Oil's' approach. Though the movement gets its fair share of attention in the news, there seems to be little education about the conservation issue being communicated. This leaves the general public confused and often unable to empathise with a conservation cause. 


Many hands make light work, so effective conservation plans often seek to actively involve supporters. Without this it can be challenging to provide a sense of ownership over a cause, and plans can struggle to maintain momentum. We can see this in 'Just Stop Oil's' case. Often, their protests do not involve the general public but instead alienate them.

Public imaging

No one likes to support a villain, and demonising a movement to the general public is an easy way to lose support. This is another area where 'Just Stop Oil' seems to be falling down. Many of their protests have unintended consequences, which inadvertently cause harm to local communities, disrupt essential services, and negatively impact local economies. As a result, we can see backlashes and a lack of support occurring between the general public and the conservation movement.

Be clear who or what you are targeting

Make sure the right people are watching and are affected by your protest. This is another area where 'Just Stop Oil' seems to suffer. They are attempting to appeal to large businesses and government bodies. However, protests are targeted to hinder the general public, leaving many people feeling frustrated. For example, think of blocked motorways. Local governors and businesses are not hugely affected by this action, but the average joe trying to head home will be. This often makes the general public feel as if they are being punished whilst also being powerless to solve the conservation problem.


Let's see how it's done. 

Here's an advert that created huge waves in the public and led to a wide spread reduction of palm oil usage

What did you think? This advert is short, sweet, and to the point. It ticks all of the points discussed above in a clear emotive way.

The oil issue


At Earth nerd we believe that no one is powerless to make change, but in order to achieve it passing on knowledge is key. After all the ingredients for success aren’t very helpful if you were never given a recipe to follow. So, let's get to know the reality behind the UK’s oil issue and what little things you can do to help out.

Oil is Everywhere

Oil powers our cars and machinery, but it has many uses beyond just that. Think plastics, cosmetics, even life-saving medications! The "Just Stop Oil" idea skips over how deeply rooted oil is in our lives. So, is 'stopping' oil in its entirety realistic? Of course not, and the protestors seem to be aware if this. However, 'Just Stop Oil' is not actively communicating this point. So, what can you do to help reduce oil production? Well let's take things one step at a time, start by writing to local MP’s to bring focus to your concerns over climate change. Contacting local MP’s can be an effective way of having your voice represented in local governments.


The economic issue 

Let's say that the protests work and imagine if we hit pause on oil production. Millions of jobs, from digging up oil to transporting it, would vanish. That's not just a speed bump – it's a full-on roadblock to the economy. Pun most definitely intended. So, let's attempt to make our goal a little more achievable here, after all you can’t run before you can walk. Let’s start by supporting the development of sustainable alternatives and try to tailor your spending to businesses with positive actions toward climate change.  

A Plan B?

Calling for an oil stop sounds snappy, but what's the alternative? We need practical and realistic solutions that can replace oil in our daily lives. Hint: it's more than just swapping fossil fuels for electric cars. The sweeping goal of ‘Just stop oil’s’ movement will be little more than a pipe dream unless serious alternatives can be supplemented. Once again, this is where urging your local MP’s can be a smart step in pushing for change. So, what are you waiting for? Go and give that government a piece of your mind!

The Transition

Here's a thought: rather than stop, how about we guide oil companies toward cleaner paths? Many are already shifting gears to renewable energy. It's a win-win for the planet and their bottom line. Make sure you are choosing where you spend your money wisely. Be sure to pick companies and products that are renewable and spread your newfound oil awareness among your friends to inspire others.

Surprising Consequences

Strangely enough, a sudden oil stop could harm some ecosystems. Many critters and environments depend on oil industry structures. A sudden halt could throw them out of balance. We may need to consider the long game in some places to ensure we don’t leave certain ecosystems high and dry. A gradual reduction will provide us the time needed to reinstall our healthy ecosystem processes and prevent further species declines.

So, there you have it – the "Just Stop Oil" protests bring up vital points, but they miss the mark in some areas. Even the best intentions can be more damaging then helpful if actions are misguided. Instead of hitting brakes, we need to be working together, finding practical alternatives, and understanding the big picture.  Let's keep the conservation action rolling and make our green dreams come true the right way!

What's your opinion about the protests? Have any ideas how they could engage the public?

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