By now we know why recycling at home is important, and some of you may be a recycling pro! But for those of us who get confused by which wrappers belong in which bin, recycling can be a confusing and daunting task! So, if you need some handy pointers or are just looking for ways to up your recycling game; here are seven easy steps to get you started.
Know your steps!
Step 1: Know Thy Bin
Before you embark on your recycling journey, get familiar with the waste rules. Who knew there would be rules for rubbish right? Recycling programs can differ depending on your local area, so make sure you are kept in the loop. Don’t worry, a quick google search on your local area should help you clear things up!
Step 2: Set Up Shop
Designate a recycling spot in your home. This can be a separate bin in the corner of your kitchen, a waste food container, or even a snazzy garden bin for your pulled up weeds. Having dedicated bins can help to keep things organised and makes recycling a no-brainer.
Step 3: The 3 Rs – Rinse, Remove, Reduce
Sure, it’s a pain, and touching waste food can be icky! But strap on your best rubber gloves, because giving your recyclable food containers a quick rinse before tossing them is essential. Got any labels, caps, or stickers? They’ve gotta go! Some products can be tricky and put a non-recyclable label on a recyclable container. We are looking at you Lucozade bottles! This means you have to double check and remove some labels before tossing them. Removing these extras ensures your items are ready for their recycling makeover.
(Speaking of makeovers, consider reducing your use of single-use plastics. Remember, the less you use, the less you have to recycle!)
Step 4: Get Crafty
Got some crafty kids? Don't waste money on art supplies! Before you toss that glass jar or cardboard box, think of creative ways to give it a second life by up-cycling it. From stylish storage solutions to DIY projects, the possibilities are endless.

Step 5: E-Waste Education
We all hate when a trusty electronic dies and replacing them can be expensive. Consider having old gadgets refurbished to save pennies or sell them for some extra cash. Many retailers also have recycling programs for electronics. Give your devices a chance at a second life! Regardless electronics need special care when it comes to recycling, keep an eye out for local e-waste collection points.

Photo sourced from Westland Horticulture
Step 6: The Compost Connection
If you're feeling extra green or simply want to put more life into your garden, consider composting! Organic waste like food scraps and yard trimmings make for great compost, so save money on fertiliser. Create nutrient-rich soil for your garden without the added cost!
Check out this helpful poster from Westland Horticulture, they make it look easy! For more information click the button below!
Step 7: Spread the Word and stay informed
Recycling is a team effort that is constantly evolving! Share your newfound recycling progress with friends and family on social media and stay up to date with your local recycling changes. The more people taking part, the bigger the impact will be!
That's it! 7 easy steps you can do to make your home a mean green machine. If you already do most of these then give yourself a pat on the back! Remember, every bottle, can, and piece of paper you recycle brings us one step closer to a more sustainable future. So, let's get greener together!
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