Want to add a touch of real life wonder to your next adventure?

Our natural world is full of awe inspiring wildlife and breath taking habitats, so why not add a touch of relaism to your tabletop rpg adventures. Check out the pages below for some fun and free inspiration. 


The Voltshrimp is a mysterious aquatic creature believed to be the result of a failed experiment. Legends suggest that once an artificer sought to create shrimp capable of generating energy, using a mix of alchemical infusions and elemental magic. However, the containment wards in the underwater laboratory failed, allowing the enhanced shrimp to escape into the wild. Now, these blue, plasma-shooting creatures are found in diverse aquatic environments, from coastal waters to deep-sea trenches and magical pools. The With no natural predators, Voltshrimp have overpopulated certain areas, leading to efforts to control their numbers. Rumors persist of the artificer's abandoned lab still producing more Voltshrimp, and fragments of the original enchantments may still influence their behavior. Scholars and adventurers are intrigued by the Voltshrimp’s origins, seeing them as a potential source of arcane knowledge or a cautionary tale of magical hubris. Whether a fascinating accident or a threat to marine life, they remain a captivating and dangerous enigma.

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The Cogniswarm

From a distance, these creatures may appear to be a common swarm, buzzing with the same gold and black stripes familiar to farmers and druids alike. But a closer look reveals their unnatural size. Each bee is as long as a human finger, with slightly iridescent wings that shimmer in the light. Their eyes gleam with an unnatural awareness, watching the world with a disturbing intelligence far beyond that of ordinary insects.

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